By using a TREATMENT PLAN, we can teach and discuss one, discrete, core behavioral concept with a parent in order to coach them in behavior management and skill teaching!
Comes with:
- Digital Download with INDEPENDENT SLEEP Curriculum broken down into ten phases, each containing instructions on:
- Reinforcement
- Expectations
- Spoken Instructions (Sd's)
- Prompt Levels
* Note: Digital Download does NOT INCLUDE laminate, Velcro dots, or any physical product. Pictures may reflect assembled physical product with removable PECS icons.
** Note: This is a curriculum BCBA Blake Henderson implements in all his cases and has seen success in the field. This plan is a map to guide your journey, a foundation for your discussions, with all materials and data sheets included!
***NOTE: This curriculum addresses FALLING ASLEEP alone in their room. This curriculum does not address staying asleep through the night, or remaining in their room.